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[产后脱发] rogaine(米诺地尔)对女性脱发的作用

发表于 2004-9-3 21:43:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式         植发想省钱加微信:15311067948
rogaine use in women  the early studies with minoxidil were on balding men, but it appears that minoxidil may actually be more effective in women. this is probably because women usually exhibit a more diffuse type of hair loss so that areas thin rather than become totally bald. thus, there is still hair present for minoxidil to "work on". as with men, minoxidil is only modestly effective in restoring one's hair and it does not seem to work in older, post-menopausal women.
although the 5% solution seems to be more effective, it is also stickier due to it's higher propylene glycol content (the 2% solution contains more alcohol). this makes it impractical for many women to use during the day. as a compromise, it is advised that women use the 2% alcohol based solution in the am and the stronger 5% propylene based solution in the pm.
side effects from minoxidil are also slightly different in women than in men. women seem to be a little more sensitive to the medication and have an increased risk of developing contact dermatitis. a more significant local reaction is the development of facial hirsuitism. the development of facial hair slowly resolves when the medication is discontinued but can be a real nuisance when it occurs. carefully trying to avoid the medication dripping down onto the temples and forehead seems to reduce but not totally prevent this problem from occurring.
some women appear to get light-headed or hypotensive (develop low blood pressure) when using the medication, but the exact incidence and significance of this is unclear.

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发表于 2006-9-30 09:13:44 | 只看该作者
翻译: 早期的对使用米诺地尔的研究用于是治疗男性脱发但是发现事实上米诺地尔对治疗女性脱发更有效果。这主要是因为女性脱发大多数呈现一种扩散性脱发的趋势,以至于头顶边薄而不是全秃(所以广大mm不要担心了)。所以,还是有些头发可以尝试米诺地尔,并发生效果。但是对于男性,米诺地尔对头发的再生效果不是很明显,对于年老,绝经后妇女更是没有效果。 虽然5%的米诺地尔看上去更有效果,但是它更粘,因为高浓度丙二醇溶液(假如浓度是2%的话就包含更多的酒精)。所以对大多数女性来说在白天使用就有点不切实际,折下中,建议女性朋友们白天用包含更多酒精的2%溶液,而在下午使用包含更多丙烯的5%高浓度溶液。 对于周遍头发的效果米诺地尔对男性和女性也有轻微不同。女性对药物治疗显得更为敏感,以至于有生高的接触性皮炎发生的危险。还有一个更严重的反映是脸部毛发增多(有点恐怖啊,不过拼了)。脸部毛发增多的问题可以随着药物的停用而漫漫解决,不过当它发生的时候真的是件讨厌的事。使用的时候要小心翼翼,避免药物滴到鬓角和前额是个有效的方法,但是也不能完全阻止此类问题的发生。(看来米诺地尔对生发真的很有效哦。) 有些使用者会轻微头晕或低血压,但是具体的严重不良反应事件及后果并未发现。(一般说明书后面都是这句,保留解释权吧) 这样看来此药物真的不错,建议大家到baidu再搜搜看。
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发表于 2006-10-1 10:35:34 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-10 11:19:55 | 只看该作者
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