propecia is for the treatment of male pattern hair loss in men only and should not be taken by women and by children(非那雄安或曰保法止仅用于对男人所患的的男性型性脱发的治疗,不能为女性和未成人使用)。if a woman who is pregnant with a male baby absorbs the active ingredient in propecia, either by swallowing or through the skin, it may cause abnormalities of a male baby’s sex organs(如果一个怀有男性胎儿的妇女吸收非那雄安或曰保法止的有效成分,不论是通过吞服或是通过皮肤接触,都可能引起男性胎儿生殖器官的畸型)。
like all prescription products, propecia may cause following side effects(象所有处方药一样,非那雄安或曰保法止可能引起下述副作用):breast tenderness and enlargement(乳房嫩化和变大);depression(抑郁症);allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face(过敏反应,包括(皮)疹,发痒,荨麻疹,以及嘴唇和脸面的肿胀); problems with ejaculation(射精的诸问题);testicular pain(睾丸疼痛);difficulty in achieving an erection that continued after stop** the medication(**勃起困难,这种状况会在停止服药后继续);less desire for sex(性欲降低);a decrease in the amount of semen(精液量减少);and, in rare cases, male breast cancer(和在不太多见的情况下,导致男性乳房癌)。见propecia.com